Autism Hub: #ActuallyHaringey


This page provides basic information about a service suitable for self referral. Direct patients to the service provider using the details below.

#ActuallyHaringey is a specialist autism-specific service designed to provide early help to meet the needs of autistic adults and those approaching adulthood, along with their support networks. #ActuallyHaringey offers digital, online, and telephone support across Haringey, as well as within its community hub in Tottenham.

The service is co-produced with autistic residents and community groups, ensuring they actively participate in the design, development, delivery, and evaluation of the service. It primarily supports autistic adults without a learning disability, all users need to be able to navigate our services independently.

#ActuallyHaringey support autistic adults, whether they do or do not have a formal diagnosis.

Support available

  • general information, advice, and guidance
  • social groups, including Men's and Women's Group, Art, Music and social drop in groups
  • signposting to partner and community organisations
  • range of therapies
  • pre and post-diagnostic support
  • short-term low-level interventions
  • specialist employment advice.

Eligibility Criteria


  • 18+

Review date: Tuesday, 27 January 2026