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Approved Mental Health Professionals
NCL WideApproved Mental Health Professionals (AMHPs) work on behalf of local authorities to carry out a variety of functions under the Mental Health Act (MHA). One of their key responsibilities is to make applications for the detention of individuals in hospital, ensuring the MHA and its Code of Practice are followed.
If a person requires an MHA assessment because of an acute mental health episode and it is felt that they are at risk to themselves and/or others, a referral can be made to the AMHP team who can assess the situation at the person's home, in hospital, at the police station or at any other place of safety (in and out of hours).
It is the AMHP's duty, when two medical recommendations have been made, to decide whether or not to make the application for the detention of a person who has been assessed under the MHA (also known as sectioning). This includes considering the correct legal frameworks (Mental Capacity Act, Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards) and alternatives to admission, as well as ensuring that the patient is involved and that their nearest relatives are identified and included.
For all new and existing mental health patient services, please visit the relevant council website:
In-hours Professional Duty Team:
- available Monday-Friday 9am-5pm
- in Camden, undertakes all planned MHA assessments in the borough as well as emergency MHA assessments in A&E departments and police stations
Out-of-hours Emergency Duty Team:
- available after 5pm and weekends
- deals with social service emergencies including MHA assessments, emergency only
- in Camden, mainly assess patients in A&E and police stations, also available for a telephone consult
Mental Capacity Act template
The template was designed by a pan-London working group as part of the London GP MCA quality improvement project. To use the template, download the files from the IT Tools page.
How to Refer
The AMHP team can be contacted by phone or email:
t: 020 8702 4103/4104
e: beh-tr.barnetamhps@nhs.net
The team is based at Dennis Scott Unit, Edgware Hospital.
The AMHP team can be contacted Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm.
For out of hours queries (bank holidays/after 5pm/weekends), contact the Emergency Duty Team at Islington Council:
t: 020 7226 0992
The team can also be contacted by email:
e: islingtonamhpdutyteam@candi.nhs.uk
The team can be contacted Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm.
For out of hours queries (bank holidays/after 5pm/weekends):
t: 020 7974 4444
The team can also be contacted by email:
e: CamdenAMHP@candi.nhs.uk
Referrals received by telephone only, Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm.
For out of hours queries (bank holidays/after 5pm/weekends):
t: 020 8379 1000
The team can be contacted Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm.
Please complete and send the form via email. The form can be found in Downloads.
Barnet AMHP
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