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Practice Management
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Age UK Islington
IslingtonProvided By

This page provides basic information about a service suitable for self referral. Direct patients to the service provider using the details below.
Age UK Islington is a local charity working in the community to support people of all ages, as well as their families and carers.
Services include:
- activities and events, including exercise classes and coffee breaks
- social prescribing provided by commissioned navigators
- social and befriending opportunities from home for housebound patients
- dementia-friendly activities and groups for those living with dementia
- digital support from knowledgeable volunteers
- practical support at home to support residents to maintain their independence
- support with shopping for those finding it difficult to get out
- end-of-life planning service for people of all ages.
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Care navigators can find services by clinical need in this list of self-care optionsReview date: Saturday, 03 January 2026