Support When It Matters (SWIM)

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This page provides basic information about a service suitable for self referral. Direct patients to the service provider using the details below.

SWIM provides a coordinated, proactive, planned, person-centred and outcomes-focused support system. For people from African, Caribbean, and dual heritage backgrounds over 25. Those battling substance misuse, mental health issues, and complications with the Criminal Justice System. Assistance with reintegration into society after prison release, 

Working to stabilise housing, family relationships and encourage beneficiaries to engage in voluntary and ultimately paid work. This approach enhances self-esteem and fosters social capital among participants.

SWIM provides a lifeline to individuals with complex challenges such as criminal behaviours and mental health diagnoses

Eligibility Criteria


  • African, Caribbean, and dual heritage backgrounds, over 25 

Review date: Friday, 07 November 2025