Islington Mind


This page provides basic information about a service suitable for self referral. Direct patients to the service provider using the details below.

Islington Mind helps people with mental health concerns to connect to their support networks and communities. Providing mental health support focused on strengths and assets, not on diagnoses.

The service offers: 

  • socialising opportunities and access peer support through therapeutic drop-ins sessions
  • daily group activities to promote well-being, enhance skills, and provide outings, as well as ad-hoc mental health support and advice
  • structured, one-to-one interventions such as Talking Therapies and Psycho-social Support
  • reablement support for individuals returning to the community after receiving care from mental health hospitals or crisis centers
  • out-of-hours service on weekday evenings and weekends
  • specialist projects that support under-represented target groups
  • self-referral pathways to the Supported Self Help

Please note that the Counselling and Talking Therapies clinic is in high demand, and the waiting list is often closed. Before attempting to make a referral to the service, please check the Islington Mind website to see if the waiting list is open.

Eligibility Criteria


  • adult Islington residents


  • Under 18yrs
  • medical emergencies

Review date: Wednesday, 09 July 2025