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Haringey Talking Therapies
HaringeyProvided By
Haringey Talking Therapies is a psychological therapy service offering support for a range of common mental health difficulties such as depression and anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder and more.
Treatment programmes including one-to-one therapy and counselling are also provided. Therapists can speak several languages and interpreters are also available.
Further service information and links for GP or self-referral can be accessed via the link in the resources section.
There is no need to re-refer your patients. Anyone waiting for care will maintain their place on the waiting list.
Eligibility Criteria
- 16 and over
- Registered with a GP in Haringey or live in Haringey
- Experiencing depression and/or anxiety or related problems
- Suitable for treatment within a primary care service (exclusion criteria apply)
- People with significant issues of risk to self or others
- Those with severe mental health or drug and alcohol problems
- Patients with addiction, diagnosed personality disorders or hallucinations and delusions
How to Refer
Refer via our website
Haringey Talking Therapies Service
Service Feedback
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Care navigators can find services by clinical need in this list of self-care optionsReview date: Thursday, 26 June 2025