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NCL public health issues invite to join NCL Suicide Prevention Partnership mailing list

NCL Wide

In NCL, an average of 93 people die by suicide every year, leaving communities devastated.

To address this, public health teams from Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey, and Islington, alongside the NHS, have formed the NCL Suicide Prevention Partnership to reduce local suicide rates.

Suicide prevention is everyone’s business. While often seen as a mental health issue, only 1 in 4 people who die by suicide were in contact with mental health services before their death. Many struggle with loneliness, domestic abuse, financial concerns, or housing insecurity - challenges that may lead them to seek help elsewhere. This creates opportunities for compassionate intervention from professionals and volunteers across various sectors.

To support this, the public health teams have launched the North Central London Suicide Prevention Community, a space for local organisations, services, and community groups to connect, share best practices, and learn how to support those at risk.

As a member, this includes:

  • regular newsletters with local and national suicide prevention updates
  • learning forums tailored to your needs
  • training, funding, and future event updates.

To sign up to the NCL Suicide Prevention Community mailing list or for further information, email: ncl.suicideprevention@barnet.gov.uk

Expiry date: Sunday, 11 May 2025