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The Greenwood Centre
CamdenProvided By
This page provides basic information about a service suitable for self referral. Direct patients to the service provider using the details below.
The Greenwood Centre houses Camden's first Centre for Independent Living (CIL). It is led by and for disabled people and run by Camden voluntary sector disability organisations.
The centre provides the following facilities for people with mental health issues and/or learning disabilities:
- peer-led support groups
- volunteering and mentoring activities
- job and work opportunities
- advice, support and information on independent living
- access to an outdoor space with facilities for gardening.
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Learning Disabilities & Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Mental Health
Information about mental health services available across NCLNavigating Self-Care
Care navigators can find services by clinical need in this list of self-care optionsReview date: Saturday, 08 November 2025