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Women's Health Psychological Services: UCLH
NCL WideProvided By

This University College London Hospitals (UCLH) service provides short-term, focused therapeutic consultations to parents with moderate psychological difficulties related to pregnancy and childbirth. The service is delivered by a multi-professional team, consisting of a counsellor, psychologist, psychotherapist and trainees.
For antenatal patients, the service usually offers an assessment appointment within three weeks depending on gestation. Postnatal patients (birth trauma and bereavement only) are offered an assessment appointment within six weeks (it is not usually advisable to begin psychological processing work immediately following bereavement or birth complications).
Patients may attend one-to-eight appointments, including a needs assessment and signposting/onward referral to community-based services.
The team typically shares relevant information and liaises with maternity staff and GPs and, where appropriate, other care providers also to discuss needs and care plans.
The unit is a Level 3 neonatal unit and a specialist fetal medicine unit accepting tertiary referrals.
Eligibility Criteria
- any woman who is booked for antenatal care and delivery at UCLH and/or any woman who experienced pregnancy loss after 15 weeks at UCLH
- consenting women and partners who are ready to work psychologically on their distress about the pregnancy, pregnancy loss, fear of birth, serious birth complications and other pregnancy-related problems
- women and partners presenting complex social issues.
- parents who need treatment for mild-to-moderate pre-existing and/or long-term mental health problems should be signposted or referred to iCope
- parents with serious and/or enduring mental health problems such as bipolar disorder, personality disorders, eating disorders, psychotic conditions, OCD and self-harm, and those requiring specialist advice around psychotropic medication during pregnancy and breastfeeding, should be referred to the North London Partners Specialist Perinatal Mental Health Service
- this service does not offer treatment for postnatal depression, unless the emotional difficulties are caused by pregnancy loss or serious birth complications.
How to Refer
EMIS form
Referral methods: Email
Complete the Perinatal Psychological Services Referral - UCLH and email to: uclh.perinatalpsychology@nhs.net
Where to find the form
- BAR Global Documents > Mental Health
- Camden Global Documents > Mental Health
- ENF Global Documents > Mental Health
- HAR Global Documents > Mental Health
- ISL Global Documents > Mental Health > Perinatal and Postnatal Mental Health
Referral methods: Email
Contact the manager for advice or to discuss a potential referral via e: jacqueline.hughes@nhs.net
Women’s Health Perinatal Psychological Service
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