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Same-Day Emergency Care: WH
NCL WideThe Ambulatory Care service offers same-day care to patients with acute medical conditions. Its role is to provide same-day access to urgent assessment and treatment avoiding the need for admission to hospital, for ambulant patients and those needing inpatient style care.
The service is not pathway or condition-led to ensure that all patients can be considered. All patients must be referred and clinically accepted by the ambulatory care team.
For deep vein thrombosis (DVT), depending on capacity in clinic and the time of day, a decision will be made on whether the patient can be seen in same-day emergency care or the emergency department for the primary investigations.
Eligibility Criteria
- adults needing emergency care that cannot be managed by the GP but do not require hospital admission.
- adults who do not need emergency care or require hospital admission.
How to Refer
SDEC / Adult Ambulatory Care (Adults)
To refer a patient into Ambulatory Care, call:
- In hours: 07825 768 448 to speak to the Ambulatory Care Consultant.
- Out of hours: call the hospital switchboard on 020 7272 3070 and ask to speak to the ambulatory care consultant, you will be put through to the duty medical registrar.
If accepted, we will usually ask you to send the patient on the day to the Ambulatory Care Centre. If clinically appropriate, we may ask the patient to attend the next day.
- Consultant advice and guidance is also available on the mobile number 0777 5117 679, in hours.
Opening hours
Weekdays: 8am-10pm (no new patients after 9pm)
Weekends and bank holidays: 8am-8pm (no new patients after 5pm)
There is a senior decision maker available for advice and signposting on the AEC consultant/registrar phone 07775 117 679 from 9am to 9pm Monday to Friday and 9am to 5pm on weekends.
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Same-day emergency care (SDEC) for patients with acute medical conditions who would otherwise be admitted to hospital or ED NCL WideSame-Day Emergency Care: UCLH
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