Future Matters


This page provides basic information about a service suitable for self referral. Direct patients to the service provider using the details below.

Future Matters aims to raise awareness of death, dying and end-of-life care planning and supports Islington patients to put their end-of-life plans in place.

Future Matters is a partnership between Gentle Dusk and Age UK Islington. The service is delivered by fully trained and supported volunteers, all of whom have been DBS checked.

It helps people plan for emergency and future care and for the management of financial and legal affairs.

The service offers:

  • signposting to advance care and end of life planning materials/resources
  • practical help to organise and put in place an advance care plan, so that personal, health care and treatment wishes are known
  • advice and help to implement the two Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA): Property and Financial Affairs, Health and Welfare.

Eligibility Criteria


Adults living in Islington and/or registered with a GP in Islington who:

  • have something important to say about the care and treatment they would like in an emergency
  • would like to make their care wishes known to the health services
  • have complex health care needs
  • are frail or elderly or with a terminal illness.

Review date: Tuesday, 25 November 2025