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Emergency Ophthalmology: RFL
NCL WideGPs are encouraged to send patients to the closest available emergency eye clinic where they will be accepted so long as there is suitable capacity. There are three commissioned hospital services in NCL that see patients, Royal Free, North Middlesex and Moorfields.
Find the closest emergency eye unit using the interactive eye-casualty services map.
For non-urgent referrals see routine ophthalmology: RFL.
The urgent eye service at the Royal Free Hospital serves a large population within NCL and manages a range of acute ophthalmic complaints including trauma. It is a service that functions 24/7 throughout the year with a mix of on and off-site cover. It is a referral-based service.
Emergency referrals
Emergency referrals need to be discussed with the on-call ophthalmologist; see Pathways.
Wet macular degeneration referrals
If you believe a patient has wet macular degeneration (AMD), they need to be referred urgently by their optometrist via email, and they will be seen within two weeks
e: rf-tr.amdurgentreferral@nhs.net
Referral process
The service is open Monday to Friday, 9am-4pm and Saturday to Sunday, 10am-3pm. Out of these hours the on-call is off site.
Walk-ins to Clinic 3 on the first floor are not available, and patients wishing to be seen must be referred after discussion with the ophthalmologist on call, contacted via the switchboard.
Patient to be seen within 24-48 hours
The emergency eye doctor should be contacted by calling 020 7794 0500 or bleeping 1758; via the switchboard.
After this, a referral document should be emailed to rf.eyecasualty@nhs.net
If there is no reply or a long wait, then please email rf.eyecasualty@nhs.net with the subject line reading URGENT REFERRAL PLEASE CALL BACK, and leave details in the email.
If there is still no reply or there are significant concerns, please contact Mr Rohit Jolly, Clinical Lead for Emergency Ophthalmic Services: rohitjolly@nhs.net
If the clinic is at full capacity, patients may be directed to the Moorfields Attend Anywhere platform for virtual triage first.
Patient to be seen within two to four weeks
Send a referral letter via the e-Referral system.
If you are not sure if it is urgent or emergency please contact the emergency eye doctor and discuss.
Out-of-clinic hours emergencies
Out-of-clinic hours, patients with emergencies can self-refer. They will be seen in the main accident and emergency department where they are triaged and assessed by a general physician. The case will be discussed with the ophthalmologist on call.
Urgent cancer referrals
For urgent cancer referrals see the 2WW page.
Eligibility Criteria
- patients within NCL
- adult and paediatric service (though some of the acutely unwell children may need to be referred to the paediatric teams at our Whittington or Barnet sites and then seen by the on call Ophthalmologist)
- patients with urgent, sight threatening problems such as:
- penetrating/blunt eye injury
- chemical/thermal burns to eye
- giant cell arteritis with visual symptoms
- flashes & floaters of recent onset
- sudden loss of vision.
- retinal detachment
- acute corneal ulcers such as contact lens related
- acute cranial nerve paresis
- corneal abrasions
- corneal foreign bodies
- symptoms of acute angle closure glaucoma
- optometry referrals for pressures >30mmHg
- patients already under the care of another Ophthalmic department
- patients looking for a second opinion
- non urgent eye conditions such as dry eye, blepharitis, cataract, etc.
How to Refer
Referral URL
Clincians can find more information on the Royal Free website.
Service Feedback
Rohit Jolly (Consultant)
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Review date: Wednesday, 06 August 2025