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Emergency Dentist: London Region Dental Triage (access via 111)
NCL WideThis page provides basic information about a service suitable for self referral. Direct patients to the service provider using the details below.
If a patient requires urgent dental care, they should go through NHS 111 to seek care.
NHS 111 will pass them on to the Dental Triage team, who will provide the appropriate advice and offer an appointment if they meet the urgent acceptance criteria.
There is no direct line for patients into Dental Triage as NHS 111 has to collect the patient demographics.
Patients can choose to go to any site but Dental Triage will offer the closest ones to the address the patient provides.
Eligibility Criteria
- residents requiring urgent dental care
- not for non-urgent dental care
Access via NHS 111
All patient queries go through NHS 111 first. If the patient requires urgent dental care they are then passed on to the Dental Triage team and are given the appropriate advice and offered an appointment if they meet the urgent acceptance criteria
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Navigating Self-Care
Care navigators can find services by clinical need in this list of self-care optionsReview date: Friday, 09 May 2025