Emergency Ophthalmology: Moorfields

NCL Wide
Under Review — this page was due to be reviewed by Sunday, 21 July 2024. The information shown here may be outdated.

GPs are encouraged to send patients to the closest available emergency eye clinic.

Find the closest emergency eye unit using the interactive eye-casualty services map.

See Downloads for the Moorfields eye emergency guide, containing a decision-making tree to support the referral process for the following:

  • red eye, red flags
  • eyelid swelling
  • superficial corneal pathology
  • watery eyes
  • acute loss of vision.

Eligibility Criteria


  • patients with urgent, sight-threatening problems, such as:
    • penetrating eye injury
    • chemical/thermal burns to eye
    • giant cell arteritis with loss of vision
    • flashes and floaters of recent onset
    • sudden loss of vision
    • retinal detachment
    • contact lens ulcers
    • acute cranial nerve paresis
    • corneal abrasions
    • corneal foreign bodies
    • symptoms of acute angle closure glaucoma
    • optometry referrals for pressures >30mmHg. 


  • patients with non-urgent problems (e.g. dry eyes, itchy eyes, hay fever, cataracts)
  • Moorfields carries out active triage; if not urgent, a patient may be triaged away from A&E
  • A&E is unable to offer second opinion requests.

How to Refer

Moorfields A&E Consultant

Referrers must call the A&E consultant of the day before sending a patient.

Most general emergency departments can manage most simple eye conditions (e.g. abrasions etc).

Virtual emergency triage

Moorfields can provide emergency triage consultations on the Attend Anywhere platform for cases that GPs feel unable to manage.

Please note: Patients are pre-screened to check that they are within the Moorfields area. The eye-casualty services map will direct you to the closest unit. Please advise patients that this is a triage tool, not an examination tool, as many expect that they will be examined virtually.


Referral methods: Hand to Patient

Referrers must call the number above before sending a patient.

For the Specialist Ophthamic A&E Department, send the patient with GP letter explaining why the referral is same-day urgent.

Include the accepting doctors name on referral. If the patient is already under another unit, send patient to that unit.

For urgent cancer referrals, see the 2WW service page.


Moorfields Eye Hospital

Service Feedback


Review date: Sunday, 21 July 2024