Same-Day Emergency Care: RFL

NCL Wide
Under Review — this page was due to be reviewed by Saturday, 25 January 2025. The information shown here may be outdated.

Same-day emergency care (SDEC) is the provision of same-day care for patients with acute conditions who would otherwise need hospital admission or emergency assessment in ED.

Patients presenting with relevant conditions can be rapidly assessed, diagnosed and treated without being admitted to a ward. If clinically safe to do so, they will go home the same day.

At RFH, patients can be referred to either ED SDEC or Medical SDEC.


ANP/consultant-led service for patients presenting with conditions within one of the defined ambulatory pathways:

  • DVT
  • cellulitis
  • PE
  • pyelonephritis
  • abscess
  • ureteric colic.

ED SDEC is open seven days a week, from 8am-5.30pm. Referral is via the ED consultant (pathway-led patients only).

Medical SDEC

Acute medicine service for patients requiring urgent review who would otherwise likely need admission or ED assessment, who don't have one of the ED SDEC pathway conditions.

Please note: for elderly/frail patients please refer to the TREAT service for assessment and admission avoidance.

Medical SDEC is open Monday to Friday, from 9am to 5pm. Referral is via the Medical Registrar (non pathway-led patients).

Eligibility Criteria



  • has an acute condition that either fits one of the ED SCEC pathways or requires urgent assessment by the acute medicine service to prevent admission
  • is able to sit in the waiting room independently and transfer with minimal assistance
  • is >18 years old.



  • who are clinically unstable (NEWS2 >5)
  • have infection control issues (COVID-19, D&V, etc.)
  • have acute confusion or severe dementia.

How to Refer

Medical SDEC

Medical registrar on ext. 31146 or bleep 2527.


Unit details

Review date: Saturday, 25 January 2025