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Rapid Access Infectious Diseases Clinic: Hospital for Tropical Diseases
NCL WideProvided By

The Rapid Access Infectious Diseases (RAID) clinic aims to see referred patients within two working days.
Some patients may be transferred to an outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy (OPAT) service for treatment with intravenous antibiotics (see Related Services).
Eligibility Criteria
Patients with:
- suspected or confirmed acute infections who do not need admission but warrant prompt ID assessment and management (e.g., unexplained fever, cellulitis or resistant UTIs).
- children <16, consider a referral to the Paediatric Infections and Tropical Diseases clinic
How to Refer
GP referrals to this service can be made by contacting the HTD registrar by calling the switchboard or emailing a referral and specifying RAID in the title.
Hospital for Tropical Diseases
Service Feedback
Related Services
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OPAT/COpAT provides antimicrobials/virals/fungals in the outpatient or community setting IslingtonHaringeyOutpatient Parenteral Antimicrobial Therapy: RFL
OPAT provides intravenous antimicrobials used to treat infection in an outpatient or community setting NCL WideOutpatient Parenteral Antimicrobial Therapy: UCLH
OPAT facilitates and provides intravenous antimicrobials for a range of infections in an outpatient or community setting NCL WidePost-Travel Screening (Asymptomatic Travellers): Hospital for Tropical Diseases
Clinic for patients who may have been exposed to a tropical condition while overseas NCL WideSame-Day Emergency Care: UCLH
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Infectious Outbreaks & Tropical Diseases
Information about infectious and tropical disease services across NCLUrgent & Emergency Care for Adults
Emergency, rapid access and urgent care servicesReview date: Tuesday, 20 January 2026