Diabetic Acute Foot Podiatry Service: RFL

NCL Wide

Podiatry service for patients with acute diabetic foot disorders. 

Patients should present to A&E for triage. If they attend out of clinic hours they will be booked to the service the next day, unless systemically unwell.

A specialist podiatrist will assess, treat and refer the patient to the correct foot care pathway.

Virtual consultation support and advice phone line (August 2022)

The Royal Free (RF) podiatry team is also offering virtual consultation support and an advice phone line for NCL health care professionals (HCPs) in primary and community care to support the management of patients with foot conditions, including people with ulceration or infection who have diabetes, peripheral arterial disease or neuropathy.

How to use the service:

  • HCPs can call the podiatry service directly for clinical advice t: 020 7794 0500 bleep 71 2317
  • HCPs can request a video consultation with a podiatrist during a face-to-face appointment with a patient on the RF website (see External Links). Contact the number above to arrange this.
    • click "Start video call" and follow the instructions after selecting waiting area "Adult Outpatient Services"
    • you will be in a virtual queue and a podiatrist will join you.

The podiatry service can also be contacted via t: 020 7830 2749 to pre-arrange a podiatry video call. The video consultation can be scheduled for when the HCP will be seeing the patient in a face-to-face appointment (patient video consent required).

The virtual service is available Monday to Friday, 8.45am-4.15pm.

Eligibility Criteria


Patient has diabetes and:

  • hot, swollen foot
  • foot infection (sepsis, cellulitis)
  • new foot ulceration
  • sudden onset of foot pain
  • burn to the foot
  • gangrene
  • puncture wound.


  • non-diabetes patient
  • routine nail care
  • routine callus/corn removal
  • missed routine community podiatry appointment 
  • systemically unwell (should attend A&E who can call podiatry to attend if a foot problem or see on ward if patient admitted)
  • critical ischaemia.

How to Refer

Referral by HCP only

EMIS form

Referral methods: Email

Complete the Podiatry Outpatient Referral Form NCL - Royal Free and send to rf-tr.rf-podiatryfax@nhs.net

Patients should present directly to A&E for triage.

How to find the form

  • Barnet: BAR Global Documents > Referral Forms folder
  • Camden: Camden Global Documents > MSK-Rehab-Physio-Podiatry > Podiatry Outpatient Referral Form NCL - Royal Free
  • Enfield: ENF Global Documents > Podiatry folder
  • Haringey: HAR Global Documents > MSK - Physio - Podiatry folder
  • Islington: ISL Global Documents > MSK - Physio - Podiatry folder


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Review date: Wednesday, 12 March 2025