Under Review — this page was due to be reviewed by Monday, 12 July 2021. The information shown here may be outdated.

First Seizure

For a list of First Seizure clinics, please see the available Urgent Neurology services in NCL, below.

Neurology support hotline for NCL GPs 

Advice and guidance is available and encouraged. A Neurology Telephone Support hotline service for GPs, designed to complement advice and guidance on eRS with advice from a senior local neurology consultant, has been set up by Royal Free London for all NCL GPs. The phone advice given will be summarised by the consultant and sent via email to the practice to be uploaded to the patient record. If advice is given that a patient requires a referral the patient should be referred via the usual/current pathway.

To access the GP Telephone Neurology Support Line (Monday to Friday 11am to 1pm), contact:
t: 07773 583 420 (direct) 
t: Royal Free switchboard 020 7794 0500, ext. 39842 when prompted.

Area specific guidance for Camden

Including early-intervention, rehabilitation and Camden's multi-disiplinary community service for long-term conditions.

Directory of Services


Pathways View All

Enhanced Services View All

Review date: Monday, 12 July 2021