Musculoskeletal Integrated Pain Service


The Enfield Pain Service is an extension of the existing Enfield Community MSK Physiotherapy service led by North Middlesex University Hospital Trust.

It is comprised of experienced specialist pain management consultants from Royal Free London Hospital and North Middlesex University Hospital, physiotherapists, psychologists and specialist nurses.

Eligibility Criteria


The service is available to patients registered with an Enfield GP with the following conditions:

  • all arthralgia, myalgia (small and large joint, soft tissue, muscular pain) 
  • spinal / back pain
  • mechanical arthritis (e.g. Osteoarthritis) 
  • chronic regional or widespread MSK pain (e.g. Fibromyalgia, hypermobility)
  • patients to have undergone standard physiotherapy programmes, where appropriate.

Please refer patients who are:

  • needing support to manage a long-term pain condition.
  • open to developing skills to manage pain.
  • appear suitable for and keen to consider pain management interventions/injections.
  • over 18 years old, unless 17 years old and has not been treated in the paediatric service for the same condition. 


Patients meeting any of the below criteria are excluded from the scope of this service;

  • red Flags/2WW
  • discharged from the pain service in the last 6 months, for the same problem unless they are now willing to engage.
  • patients who do not have a suspected musculoskeletal condition [ie not pelvic/vulval, abdo pain, diabetic or other neuropathy, lymphoedema.
  • severe and unmanaged mental illness, active suicide risk, or unmanaged complex psychological problems not related to pain
  • under the age of 18  
  • patients not registered with a GP in Enfield (unless an NCA (non-contractual agreement) is in place) NHS England Prescribed Specialist Commissioning Services.
  • patients requiring home visits.

How to Refer

Once referral has been received, it will be triaged and directed to the most appropriate service in Enfield MSK (please see Downloads for a guide).

EMIS form

Referral methods: e-Referrals

With the exception of self-referrals into physiotherapy/pelvic health/podiatry (see Self-referrals), only referrals via e-RS are accepted. Please complete the Enfield Integrated MSK referral form – NMUH.

Refer via e-RS 

Two-Week Wait (2WW) referral via e-RS

For urgent cancer referrals, see the 2WW page.

How to find service on e-RS

  • Specialty: Pain Management
  • Clinic type: Pain Management
  • Service name: Enfield (SCAS) MSK CATS Integrated Service – Pain Management – North Middlesex at Chase Farm

Where to find the form

  • Enfield: ENF Global Documents > Physiotherapy folder 


Enfield community MSK physiotherapy, pelvic health and podiatry only accept referrals from patients registered with an Enfield GP. This self-referral portal is not a referral route for MSK CATs service (please refer via e-RS). 


Chase Farm hospital

Service Feedback

Review date: Friday, 07 February 2025