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Memory Service NLFT
BarnetProvided By
The North London NHS Foundation Trust (NLFT, a merger of BEH and CANDI) Barnet Memory Service provides assessment, diagnosis and treatment for people who are experiencing difficulties with their memory.
The service team consists of specialist doctors, nurses, occupational therapists and psychologists.
The service aims to see all patients within six weeks of referral and is linked to the Dementia Advisor Service provided by Age UK.
Eligibility Criteria
- Barnet resident and registered with a Barnet GP
- aged 65+ with symptoms of mild-to-moderate dementia who have not already received a diagnosis
- memory problems which may be indicative of dementia, where symptoms are beginning to impact on the person's day-to-day life
- no existing clinical diagnosis of dementia.
- patients aged <65 should access and be managed by other appropriate services (e.g. neurological or mental health)
- patients with an existing diagnosis of dementia made by an appropriate clinician should continue to receive care and treatment from that team
- patients who present with more advanced symptoms of dementia may be diagnosed and managed in primary care with or without the help of specialist dementia services as necessary (the memory service is not designed for them)
- patients with severe/more complex behavioural and psychological problems/risks (including suicidal ideation) are likely to require direct referral to a community mental health team for more intensive forms of support and casework
- patients with learning difficulties are likely to be receiving a service and continuing support from their existing provider, which may well be able to make the diagnosis and offer interventions, and so the memory service will be a source of support in relation to assessment and diagnosis.
How to Refer
GP referral only
EMIS form
Referral methods: Email
Complete the Barnet Memory Service Referral Form and send to beh-tr.dutyintakeboacmht@nhs.net
Referral to the memory service should be a clinical decision based on a review of past history, collateral history from an informant, and exclusion of other acute medical reasons, such as delirium, by physical examination and investigations.
Where to find the form
- Barnet: BAR Global Documents > Referral Forms folder
Barnet Memory Service
Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm
Service Feedback
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Review date: Tuesday, 16 December 2025