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Parkinson's Service: CLCH
BarnetCentral London Community Healthcare's (CLCH) specialist Parkinson's multi-disciplinary team provides care, support, and treatment for people with Parkinson's disease.
The Barnet Parkinson's service at Edgware Community Hospital is a dedicated service, providing integrated and specialist care for people with Parkinson's and Parkinsonism disorders.
The service can provide support to anyone with Parkinson's Disease from north central London and its adjacent boroughs. CLCH offers integrated multidisciplinary assessment and treatment, medical diagnosis, urgent and routine reviews, full-day assessments to optimise treatment regimens, domiciliary visits for housebound patients, and Parkinson's specific therapy and group sessions such as falls strength and balance group, hand therapy, swallow assessment, LSVT loud crowd (voice therapy), telephone helpline, self-management programme, and carers support group.
The team of healthcare professionals includes:
- Doctors with special interest in Parkinson's Disease
- Parkinson's disease specialist nurses
- Specialist occupational therapist
- Specialist physiotherapist
- Specialist speech and language therapist
- Specialist dietitian
- Healthcare assistant
- Rehabilitation support worker.
Eligibility Criteria
- Referrals for diagnosis and the management of Parkinson's disease and for second opinions on Parkinson's disease and MDT management.
- Diagnosis of early onset of Parkinson's disease before the age of 50
- Patients unable to weight-bear.
How to Refer
EMIS form
Referral methods: Email
Complete the Parkinson's Day Unit Referral - CLCH and email to: clcht.edgwareparkinsons@nhs.net
Referrals can be made by any healthcare professional, though this must be supported by their GP. The waiting time for the first appointment will be approximately six to eight weeks.
How to find the form
BAR Global Documents > Referral Forms folder
CLCH Parkinson's Day Unit
Clinics held Monday to Friday, 9am-4pm, by appointment only.
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