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- Mandatory Training
Mandatory Training
NCL Wide
Under Review — this page was due to be reviewed
by Tuesday, 09 January 2024. The information shown here may be outdated.
This page contains information about the various mandatory training requirements for practice staff across NCL.
Level 1: All staff in healthcare settings (includes practice receptionists and non-clinical staff) must complete two hours of training over a three year period.
Level 2: All non-clinical and clinical staff who have regular contact with patients, their families or the public (includes registered nurses and GP practice managers) must complete three to four hours of training over a three year period.
Level 3: All healthcare staff involved in assessing, planning, intervening and evaluating the needs of adults where there are safeguarding concerns (includes GPs and registered nurses) must complete eight hours of training over a three year period.
Level 1, 2 and 3 training can be accessed via:
- events
- the e-Learning for Healthcare safeguarding adults programme
- the Future Learn safeguarding adults Level 3 programme
- Blue Stream Academy safeguarding adults Level 1 and 3 e-learning.
For designated professional contact details, see the Adult Safeguarding topic page.
Level 1: All non-clinical staff, receptionists and administration staff must complete two hours of training over a three year period.
Level 2: All GP practice managers/GP practice safeguarding administrators must complete four hours of training over a three year period.
Level 3: All clinical staff who work with children, young people, parents and carers (GPs, practice nurses and HCAs) must complete eight hours of training and learning over a three year period. Clinicians are advised to attend a face-to-face session every two years.
Level 1, 2 and 3 training can be accessed via:
- events
- the e-Learning for Healthcare safeguarding children programme
- an independent course/conference (from an approved body)
- Blue Stream Academy safeguarding children Level 3 e-learning.
For designated professional contact details, see the Child Safeguarding topic page.
The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism is for all health and care staff working in CQC regulated services.
The training comes in two tiers so all staff working across all CQC registered services can receive the right level of mandatory training.
Tier 1: All staff in healthcare settings (provides an awareness of the legal framework and its application).
Tier 2: The minimum training required for anyone required to offer face to face care or support.
Tier 1 and 2 can be accessed via the e-Learning for Healthcare website. Everyone working in health and care is required to complete this training, no matter where they work.
In the future, staff will need to complete their training by attending either a one-hour online interactive session (Tier 1) or a one-day face-to-face training session (Tier 2). Both of these will be available in early 2023.
More information can be found on the Health Education England website.
Level 1 training can be accessed via the e-Learning for Healthcare website.
Level 1 and Level 2 training can be accessed via the e-Learning for Healthcare website.
See the Infection Prevention Control website for more information.
The Information Governance (IG) Toolkit is accessible online, and annual information governance assessments can be started at any time once the new version is made available by the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC). Each assessment must be completed and published by the GP practice before 31 March of each year.
Blue Stream Academy also offers a GDPR awareness e-learning programme to help keep staff up-to-date.
Mental Capacity Act (MCA) and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) training can be accessed via the e-Learning for Healthcare website.
See the CQC website for more information.
Level 1: All practice staff should complete basic Prevent awareness training and Level 1 Adult Safeguarding e-learning.
Level 1 training can be accessed via:
- face-to-face basic Prevent awareness (e.g. induction training)
- e-Learning for Healthcare preventing radicalisation Level 1 and 2 programme
- HM Government basic Prevent training e-learning
- Blue Stream Academy preventing radicalisation e-learning.
Level 3: All GPs are required to demonstrate Level 3 understanding of identifying, responding and working within a multi-agency context in relation to Prevent concerns.
Level 3 training can be accessed via:
For designated professional contact details, see the Adult Safeguarding topic page.
For more information, visit the NHS England Prevent page or the GOV.UK website.
Level 1, Level 2 (Adults) and Level 2 (Paediatric) training can be accessed via the e-Learning for Healthcare website.
Review date: Tuesday, 09 January 2024