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Post-ICU Brachial Plexus & Peripheral Nerve Injury Unit: RNOH

Under Review — this page was due to be reviewed by Saturday, 25 May 2024. The information shown here may be outdated.

Complications in the post-ICU COVID-19 population include brachial plexopathy and common peroneal nerve injury, and may require immediate referral to the RNOH PNI unit +/- phone or email discussion. Please also be aware that early referral is recommended rather than waiting for neurophysiology tests.

Those requiring immediate referral include acute presentations after a precipitating incident, i.e. proning in ICU (or other specific incident) with either:

  • neuropathic type pain, and/or total loss of function of one branch (no sympathetics, sensation or motor) regardless of duration


  • painless neuropraxia (conduction block), patchy distribution with intact sensation and sympathetics and incomplete motor involvement, which has not improved or resolved three weeks post-onset.

​For any patient presenting with neuropathic pain +/- conduction block without a precipitating incident/ICU admission, please assess and manage as usual, referring to Camden MSK for suspected MSK presentations.

Camden MSK can assess both remotely and face-to-face if appropriate, and refer on appropriately including to the RNOH PNI unit where required.

Eligibility Criteria


  • patient presenting with neuropathic pain after ICU admission for COVID-19
  • patient presenting with total loss of function in single branch (+/- pain) after ICU admission for COVID-19
  • patient presenting with conduction loss unresolved three weeks post onset, after ICU admission for COVID-19

How to Refer

Immediate referral to the RNOH PNI unit, +/- discussion via telephone:

Immediate referral to the RNOH PNI unit via email:

Review date: Saturday, 25 May 2024