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  • Royal Free Neurological Rehabilitation Centre

Royal Free Neurological Rehabilitation Centre

Under Review — this page was due to be reviewed by Friday, 10 May 2024. The information shown here may be outdated.

The Royal Free Neurological Rehabilitation Centre (NRC) at Edgware Community Hospital, provides specialist in-patient, out-patient and community rehabilitation and condition management services for adults with neurological conditions, with a multi-disciplinary team of therapists, an MS specialist nurse and nurses on the IP unit.

The service's goal is to provide neurological patients with efficient and comprehensive neurological rehabilitation that enables them to live as independently as possible. The service strives to work in partnership with health, social and voluntary services to provide the most supportive services once patients leave the hospital.

Useful contacts:

Eligibility Criteria


Referrals to the community service will be considered for people who:

  • live in Barnet with a GP within NCL
  • are 18 or over
  • have provided consent for referral
  • have a neurological condition, e.g. multiple sclerosis (MS), motor neurone disease, cerebral palsy, acquired brain injury, spinal cord injury, ataxia
  • require assessment and/or therapy intervention
  • require monitoring via the long-term conditions (LTC) register.

Self-referrals are accepted once known to the service. The team can consider out-of-area referrals in negotiation with local services and local commissioners

Referrals to the in-patient service will be considered for people who:

  • are 18 or over
  • have provided consent for referral
  • have a neurological condition, e.g. multiple sclerosis (MS), traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, peripheral neuropathy or stroke*
  • require in-patient rehabilitation
  • have a Barnet GP.


The community service will not see:

  • people who have had a stroke or idiopathic parkinson's disease (unless for vocational Rehabilitation).

The in-patient service is unable to accept those who require:

  • tracheostomy, respiratory support or nasogastric feeding
  • highly specialist services of a regional (level 1) neurorehabilitation service or spinal injuries centre
  • stroke rehabilitation, unless agreed that the local services are unable to meet the patient's needs (the NRC are able to discuss referrals for patients who have had a stroke and whose needs cannot be met by local service)
  • social respite.

How to Refer

EMIS form

Referral methods: e-Referrals

Complete the Neuro Rehab Centre Referral Form Edgware Hospital form and then email rf.neurorehabreferrals@nhs.net

Where to find the form

BAR Global Documents > Referral Forms (BAR GLOBAL)

Service Feedback

Review date: Friday, 10 May 2024