e-RS advice & guidance

NCL Wide
Under Review — this page was due to be reviewed by Saturday, 12 August 2023. The information shown here may be outdated.

GPs across north central London can request non-urgent clinical advice and guidance from specialists in any of the four main NHS acute trusts in NCL through e-RS. The service has been enhanced to provide multi-way conversations, allowing the consultant to request further information from the GP and allowing the GP to ask one more question.

Please see the advice and guidance specialities tables (Downloads) for a list of specialties for which advice and guidance is available at local providers (North Middlesex University Hospital, Royal Free London, University College London Hospitals, and Whittington Health).

The separate table for UCLH gives further detail for that provider.

Advice and guidance allows the requesting clinician to seek advice from a clinician at the provider hospital on:

  • treatment plan and/or patient management
  • test results
  • appropriateness of a referral (e.g. whether to refer, what the most appropriate alternative care pathway might be)
  • most clinically appropriate service to refer to (and how to find it).

Acute trusts must ensure that 80 per cent of responses to requests are completed within two working days. This closer collaboration between hospital clinicians and GPs has been shown to benefit patients and their care, support GPs in managing patient care, and improve the quality of referrals to acute care.

See Training resource downloads for details on how to use advice and guidance.  

Camden: Mental Health Teams

See Downloads for the Mental Health Teams Advice and Guidance contact details (updated January 2021).

Review date: Saturday, 12 August 2023