Minor Surgery


The Minor Surgery Directed Enhanced Service (DES) provides an opportunity for primary care to deliver appropriate minor surgery. The service specification identifies the qualifications and training required of clinicians, as well as standards for facilities and equipment.

Practices can offer up to three levels of minor surgery, depending on the types of procedures clinicians are accredited to perform:

  • Level 1: Injections and aspirations
  • Level 2: Some invasive procedures, including incisions and excisions
  • Level 3: Removal of low-risk basal cell carcinomas.

Practices also have the option to offer minor surgery services to other practices' patients and to non-registered Islington patients. Two Islington practices are registered to provide this service to other practices' registered populations: 

Eligibility Criteria


Invasive procedures, including incisions and excisions:

  • lesions that are symptomatic and/or inflamed on more than one occasion at the time of consultations
  • toes with chronic or recurrent in-growing nails or nail deformity requiring surgical removal of part or all of the nail, along with nail bed ablation where appropriate
  • surgical drainage of abscesses (excluding perianal, Bartholin's and pilonidal abscesses) refer patient to secondary care
  • aspirations for diagnostic or therapeutic indications (e.g. Ganglion)
  • while referrals for injections (muscles, tendons, joints) are accepted, the preferred route is via Haringey and Islington Integrated Musculoskeletal Service.


  • children aged <12 years (12-18-year-olds will be assessed individually)
  • lesions more than 5cm in size (can apply for EBICS if eligible)
  • suspected melanoma and squamous cell carcinoma (follow 2WW referral pathway)
  • basal cell carcinoma and keratoacanthoma (refer routinely or via 2WW if rapidly enlarging).

The following procedures are not normally funded:

  • removal of clinically benign moles on cosmetic grounds
  • treatment of skin lesions that require use of cryotherapy, curettage or cautery
  • removal of sutures.

How to Refer

EMIS form

Referral methods: Email

Before making a referral, you will need to check which practices you can refer to and which level of procedure (1, 2 or 3) each practice will accept. It is important not to refer a patient for a procedure that the accepting practice cannot treat. See Downloads for a service pathway, guidance documents, and a list of procedures that local practices can provide.

To refer, complete the Minor Surgery DES Referral Form - The Junction Medical & Village practice and send to either junction.medicalpractice@nhs.net or nclicb.thevillagepractice@nhs.net

Where to find the form

  • ISL Global Documents > Minor Surgery


The Junction Medical Centre

The Village Practice


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Review date: Sunday, 23 February 2025