Dermatology: WH

NCL Wide

Dermatology services at Whittington Health (WH).

Please note: All routine dermatology referrals need to be sent via the Teledermatology referral pathway with the appropriate images.

However, if you have already sought advice from Consultant Connect and were advised that the patient needs a face-to-face appointment following their review, in this situation you can refer the patient through the routine face-to-face clinics. 

On your referral form please clearly state that you have already sought advice from Consultant Connect (consider copying the advice to the referral).

For further information on Teledermatology and Consultant Connect, visit the NCL Teledermatology: Dermoscopy service page and view the recording of the latest drop-in session.

Eligibility Criteria


  • aged 17


  • paediatric patients (16 years old and under) 
  • patients with suspected melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma or any other suspicious rapidly enlarging lesion within 4-8 weeks (includes rapidly increasing basal cell carcinomas) should be referred using the 2WW pathway.

  • urgent non cancer referrals should be referred to the on call registrar. For urgent cancer referrals, see the 2WW page.

How to Refer


Referral methods: e-Referrals

Refer via e-RS

How to find service on e-RS

  • Specialty: Dermatology
  • Clinic type: Select as appropriate
  • Service name: Dermatology Service - Whittington Hospital

This service is for routine referrals. Eligible routine referrals should go via Teledermatology (see the service page for full eligibility criteria).

Please note: If you believe that your patient meets all the required EBICS criteria, the referral letter must include the relevant information that demonstrates adherence to the policy.


WH Dermatology

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Review date: Thursday, 24 July 2025