Camden People First


This page provides basic information about a service suitable for self referral. Direct patients to the service provider using the details below.

Camden People First can provide the following support for those with learning disabilities:

  • one-to-one advocacy support, including benefit re-assessments and appeals, safeguarding and support plans
  • advice and support for housing, welfare benefits; for general advice and advocacy support, 10am-12pm and drop-in times Wed 2-4pm
  • peer and group advocacy
  • disability hate and mate crime advice and advocacy support; Tues 10am-12pm and drop-in times Mon 2-4pm
  • volunteering opportunities
  • social activities, including discos and healthy-eating events.

Eligibility Criteria


  • adult Camden residents with learning and multiple disabilities, including profound learning disabilities

Review date: Saturday, 09 November 2024