Learning Disabilities Partnership

Under Review — this page was due to be reviewed by Thursday, 27 June 2024. The information shown here may be outdated.

Islington Learning Disabilities Partnership (ILDP) provides support, advice and services for adults with global learning disabilities in Islington.

This includes: 

  • social work and community support
  • learning disability and mental health nursing
  • community pharmacy
  • occupational therapy
  • physiotherapy
  • speech and language therapy
  • clinical psychology and psychiatry
  • art therapy

Eligibility Criteria


ILDP works with adults with a diagnosis of global learning disabilities. To obtain a diagnosis of global learning disabilities and be eligible to receive services from ILDP, the person must meet all three of the following criteria:

  • significant impairment in intellectual functioning (IQ score of 69 or below on a standardised assessment or equivalent)
  • a concurrent significant impairment in social and adaptive functioning
  • onset of these impairments is before the age of 18 years (i.e. the difficulties are developmental in origin, rather than acquired through a stroke, head injury, long-standing mental illness or drug/alcohol use).

Please note: People who have specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia and dyspraxia (and who do not have an IQ score of 69 or less) are not considered to have global learning disabilities.


Adults with: 

  • learning difficulties such as dyslexia and dyspraxia
  • a diagnosis of autism without learning disability 
  • acquired brain injuries.

How to Refer

EMIS form

Referral methods: Email

A referral form can be found in ISL EMIS under:

ISL global documents > Learning Disabilities > Islington Learning Disabilities Partnership Referral Form (V2, May 2021)

Include as much detail as possible on why the referral is being made and what it is about the person's presentation that suggests they may have a learning disability. Please do not attach an EMIS summary as this doesn’t give the requested details. 
e: duty.ildp@islington.gov.uk

For further support:
t: 020 7527 6600 (Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm).


Islington Learning Disability Partnership

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Review date: Thursday, 27 June 2024