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  • Travel Clinic: Hospital for Tropical Diseases

Travel Clinic: Hospital for Tropical Diseases

NCL Wide

An NHS service for people with complex medical problems who are planning to travel to tropical regions and require pre-travel advice, including vaccines, anti-malarials and prophylactic drugs.

There is also a private service that is open to anyone. Please note: patients who use the private service will need to pay a consultation fee and will then have to pay for all vaccines and additional equipment, whether they have a complex medical condition or not.

Eligibility Criteria


Patients planning to travel to tropical regions and are:

  • receiving treatment or being followed up by a doctor for their condition or are under specialist care for a medical problem (e.g. cancer, diabetes, immunocompromised, cardiovascular and rheumatologic conditions)
  • suffering from allergies
  • pregnant
  • aged >65 years
  • children or infants

How to Refer


Referral methods: Email

A GP referral letter is required:
e: uclh.htdtravelclinic@nhs.net


Private service: patients can self-refer by email.

Please note: patients have to pay for the private service. See above for details.

Service Feedback


Review date: Thursday, 07 November 2024