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NCL WideProvided By
Prevent is part of the government counter-terrorism strategy CONTEST and aims to reduce the threat to the UK from terrorism by stopping people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism.
The objectives of Prevent are to:
- tackle the causes of radicalisation and respond to the ideological challenge of terrorism
- identify, safeguard and support those most at risk of radicalisation through early identification, intervention and support
- enable those who have already engaged in terrorism to disengage and rehabilitate.
Prevent focuses on all forms of terrorism and the Prevent strategy centres on safeguarding individuals by providing support and re-direction to individuals at risk of, or in the process of, being groomed and/or radicalised into terrorist activity, before any crime is committed.
The Prevent duty (Section 26, Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015) requires all NHS organisations to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism, and staff must be enabled to understand the risk of radicalisation and how to seek appropriate advice and support.
The duty requires a risk-based approach and partnership working to support a proportionate response. Prevent is about early intervention and the safeguarding of children, young people and adults who may be at risk of radicalisation. Prevent acknowledges that people at risk of being drawn into terrorism may also be at risk of other forms of harm, such as criminal exploitation, grooming, sexual exploitation, modern slavery and serious violence.
If an individual is at risk of radicalisation, a referral can be made through the Channel process.
The Educate Against Hate website provides useful information about possible signs of radicalisation.
Eligibility Criteria
- any resident who may be at risk of radicalisation or exploitation.
How to Refer
Concerns about potential acts of terrorism
If you are concerned that someone may be involved in terrorist-related activity or are concerned about online material promoting terrorism or extremism, contact the National Anti-Terrorist Hotline.
If you suspect an immediate danger, call t: 999.
Barnet referrals for concerns about radicalisation
If you are concerned that anyone aged 18 or under is at risk of being radicalised, a referral should be made to the Barnet MASH team via the email above or t: 020 8359 4066.
If you have any concerns in relation to an adult who you believe may be vulnerable to radicalisation, contact e: barnetcst@barnet.gov.uk
You can also contact the borough Prevent Coordinator to discuss any concerns on t: 020 8359 7371 or m: 07856 002 586.
For further information, visit the Barnet Council website.
Camden referrals for concerns about radicalisation
If you are concerned that anyone aged 18 or under is at risk of being radicalised, a referral should be made to the Camden MASH team via the email above or t: 020 7974 3317.
If you have any concerns in relation to an adult who you believe may be vulnerable to radicalisation, contact the Camden adult MASH team via e: asc.mash.safeguarding@camden.gov.uk
For the out-of-hours emergency duty team, call t: 020 7974 4444.
For further information, visit the Camden Council website or the Camden Safeguarding Children Partnership website.
Haringey referrals for concerns about radicalisation
Contact the email above to make a referral.
For further information, visit the Haringey Council website.
Islington referrals for concerns about radicalisation
If you are concerned that anyone aged 18 or under is at risk of being radicalised, contact the email above or call the Islington Children's Services team via t: 020 7527 7400 (9am-5pm, Monday to Friday) or t: 020 7226 0992 (out of hours and weekends).
If you have any concerns in relation to an adult who you believe may be vulnerable to radicalisation, contact the email above or call the Islington Adult Safeguarding team via t: 020 7226 0992.
For further information, visit the Islington Council website.
Enfield referrals for concerns about radicalisation
Visit the Enfield Council website via the link above for information on the borough Prevent programme.
Members of the public can discuss any concerns with the police through Act Early.
Related Services
Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service: Open Minded
CAMHS is for under-18s and their families affected by behavioural disorders and emotional and mental health problems CamdenSafeguarding Adults
How to access support and advice, and make referrals for adult safeguarding concerns CamdenSafeguarding Adults
How to access support and advice, and make referrals for adult safeguarding concerns IslingtonSafeguarding Adults
How to access support and advice, and make referrals for adult safeguarding concerns HaringeySafeguarding Adults: Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub
How to access support and advice, and make referrals for adult safeguarding concerns EnfieldSafeguarding Adults: Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub
How to access support and advice, and make referrals for adult safeguarding concerns BarnetSafeguarding Children
Child safety and welfare contacts for safeguarding concerns CamdenSafeguarding Children
Child safety and welfare contacts for safeguarding concerns IslingtonSafeguarding Children: Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub
Contact the MASH team if you are concerned about a child or young person in Barnet BarnetSafeguarding Children: Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub
If you have a case you are finding difficult to manage, or procedure is unclear please discuss with your practice GP child protection lead HaringeySafeguarding Children: Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub
Contact the MASH team if you are concerned about a child or young person in Enfield EnfieldRelated Topics View All
Safeguarding Adults
Adult safeguarding services across NCLSafeguarding Children
Child safeguarding services across NCLReview date: Wednesday, 18 June 2025