Safeguarding Adults


Visit the NCL Adult Safeguarding topic page for regional/national information and resources, and for details of the Camden safeguarding professionals.

Safeguarding adults means protecting the health and wellbeing of adults at risk, enabling them to live safely, free from abuse and neglect. An 'adult at risk' is someone who may be in need of help because they have care and support needs.

See also Mental Capacity.

Eligibility Criteria


An adult at risk is a person aged 18+ who:

  • has care and support needs, and
  • is experiencing or is at risk of abuse or neglect, and
  • is unable to protect themselves against the abuse or neglect.

How to Refer

EMIS form

Referral methods: Email

The Adult Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) is the first point of contact for new safeguarding concerns and enquiries.

Complete the Multi-Agency Adult Safeguarding Referral Form - Camden and send to Adult MASH team:

If you suspect the abuse may be a crime, contact the Camden Police Community Safety Unit

If an adult is in immediate danger, call 999.

Where to find the form

  • Camden: Camden Global Documents > Safeguarding & Social


Everyone has the right to live a life that is free from abuse, harm and neglect.

Individuals that are worried about an adult should call 020 7974 4444 (when prompted say adult social care) or phone 999 (urgent) / 101 (non-urgent) if an adult is in immediate danger.

Deaf or hard of hearing people who use British Sign Language (BSL) can contact Camden Council using SignVideo Web Access, an online sign language interpreting service. The service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and will require a webcam. 


Review date: Friday, 13 June 2025