Palliative Care: St Joseph's Hospice


St Joseph's Hospice provides expert support which places equal emphasis on a person's clinical, physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs, understanding that everyone is different.

Most people living with a life-limiting illness would like to stay in their own home. The hospice can provide specialist advice for symptom control issues, as well as emotional, social and spiritual support, working alongside other community and acute health and social care professionals involved in the patient's care.

Components of care at St John's Hospice include:

  • inpatient care with a focus on maintaining independence
  • day hospices
  • outpatient clinics providing nursing advice and supportive care
  • carers' service
  • compassionate neighbours scheme
  • namaste care service for people living with advanced dementia and their families
  • empowered living team.

Eligibility Criteria


  • aged 18+ and living in Islington or Haringey/registered with an Islington or Haringey GP
  • diagnosis of potentially life-limiting illnesses, with unresolved complex needs that cannot be met by the referring team (these needs may be physical, psychological, social and/or spiritual)
  • advanced progressive life-limiting illnesses, likely to be in the last year of life
  • family and carers of patients.

How to Refer

EMIS form

Referral methods: Email

Complete the All Age Pan-London Specialist Palliative Care Referral Form - NCL form and send to

Where to find the form

  • Haringey: HAR Global Documents > Palliative Care folder
  • Islington: ISL Global Documents > Palliative Care folder


St. Joseph’s Hospice

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Review date: Saturday, 05 July 2025