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Palliative Care: North London Hospice
Under Review — this page was due to be reviewed
by Friday, 28 June 2024. The information shown here may be outdated.
Provided By

The North London Hospice is a registered charity that runs an 18-bed inpatient unit providing 24-hour care. The team works extensively within the wider community to improve people's quality of life (e.g. providing support in patients' homes, offering outpatient services).
Most people living with a life-limiting illness would like to stay in their own home. The hospice can provide specialist advice for pain and other symptom control issues, as well as emotional, social and spiritual support, working alongside other community and acute health and social care professionals involved in the patient's care.
Components of care at North London Hospice include:
- first contact team to direct referrals to the appropriate team/service
- community supportive and specialist palliative care teams to help patients remain in their own homes
- palliative care support service/hospice at home to provide hands-on care, crisis interventions and end-of-life care at home
- outpatient services, including rehabilitation, self-management support, symptom management, advanced care planning, psychological and spiritual support
- inpatient unit offering specialist care
- patient and family support to help cope with the emotional and financial effects of ill health
- bereavement support service for bereaved friends and families
- community out-of-hours telephone advice line for patients and healthcare professionals
- compassionate neighbours scheme to support people living with chronic or life-limiting illnesses to stay connected.
Eligibility Criteria
- aged 18+ (patients aged 17-18 will require advice on transitioning from young persons' services to adult services)
- registered with a Barnet, Enfield or Haringey GP or living in one of those boroughs (including care homes)
- patients with a diagnosis of a life-limiting illness with unresolved needs that cannot be met by the referring team (needs may be physical, psychological, social and/or spiritual)
- patients with life-limiting illness and likely to be in the last year of life, wanting support with advanced care planning
- families and carers of patients who meet the above criteria.
How to Refer
First Contact Team (including Out of Hours)
Each referral for community services is telephone assessed as either red (visit within 24 hours), amber (visit within three days) or green (visit within two weeks).
Referrals to the inpatient unit are processed immediately and discussed at a daily meeting to prioritise patient admissions to the hospice based on need.
Please note: The All Age Pan-London Specialist Palliative Care Referral form will still need to be completed.
EMIS form
Referral methods: Email
Complete the All Age Pan-London Specialist Palliative Care Referral form and send to nlondonhospice.fc@nhs.net
Where to find the form
- Global Documents > Palliative Care & EOLC folder
North London Hospice
Service Feedback
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