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Identification & Referral to Improve Safety (IRIS)
BarnetEnfieldHaringeyIslingtonProvided By
Identification and Referral to Improve Safety (IRIS) is a specialist domestic abuse education, support and referral programme providing training for GP teams and a named advocate to whom patients can be referred to for support.
IRIS offers a targeted intervention for patients experiencing current or former domestic violence or abuse from a partner, ex-partner or family member.
IRIS supports patients by providing:
- clear care pathways
- emotional support
- information on housing or legal remedies
- signposting
- risk assessments and safety planning.
IRIS advocate educators are specialist workers connected with GP practices who are based in local specialist domestic abuse services. They work closely with patients who have been affected by domestic and/or sexual violence, aiming to see patients at GP surgeries to carry out a risk assessment and safety planning.
GP training programme
The IRIS GP training programme started as a research project to identify the difference that having a dedicated advocate providing training to GPs and in-house support can make to a doctor's capacity to better identify and support/signpost patients experiencing domestic violence to wider support services.
To organise training for your practice, contact your local IRIS team.
Ciara Keown
e: c.keown@solacewomensaid.org t: 07485 313 653
Kate Hernandez Lynn
e: K.Lynn@solacewomensaid.org t: 07483 045 753
Sharon Dearman
e: s.dearman@solacewomensaid.org t: 07881 302 773
Sobia Sultana
e: s.sultana@solacewomensaid.org t: 07950 569 406
Sara Jamil
e: irisharingey@niaendingviolence.org.uk t: 020 7683 1270
Swapna Dasgupta
e: s.dasgupta@solacewomensaid.org t: 07485 313 600
Fatos Usta
e: f.usta@solacewomensaid.org t: 07485 319 790
Team mailbox
e: nclicb.islington.iris@nhs.net
Eligibility Criteria
Male and female patients aged 16+ registered with a participating practice who have experienced or are currently experiencing any form of violence or abuse, including:
- domestic abuse
- sexual violence
- forced marriage
- female genital mutilation
- "honour-based" violence.
- perpetrators of domestic abuse or sexual violence
- IRIS is not able to support sexual violence cases outside of a domestic context and will therefore only accept referrals for people who have experienced sexual violence in the context of intimate partner violence (either current or historic).
How to Refer
EMIS form
Referral methods: Email
Fill out the appropriate EMIS form and send to your local IRIS team.
- Barnet: barnet.iris@nhs.net
- Enfield: iris.enfield@solacewomensaid.org
- Haringey: irisharingey@niaendingviolence.org.uk
- Islington: islington.iris@nhs.net
Where to find the forms
- Barnet: Bar Global Documents > Referral Forms (BAR GLOBAL) > Domestic Violence IRIS Referral - Barnet
- Enfield: ENF Global Documents > Domestic Violence > IRIS Referral Form - Enfield
- Haringey: HAR Global Documents > Domestic Violence > IRIS Referral Form
- Islington: ISL Global Documents > Social Services > IRIS Domestic Violence and Abuse (DVA) Referral Form
For Barnet, Enfield and Islington patients
Patients can self-refer to the service by emailing advocacy@solacewomensaid.org or calling 020 3795 5070.
For Haringey patients
Patients can self-refer to the service by emailing irisharingey@niaendingviolence.org.uk or calling 07816 087 450.
Pathways View All
Domestic Violence and Abuse IRIS Referrals: Perpetrator
Domestic Violence and Abuse IRIS Referrals: Survivor
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Information about domestic violence and abuse services available across NCLFemale Genital Mutilation
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