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MSK (SCAS) CATs Integrated Service: Enfield
EnfieldProvided By
For self-referrals to physiotherapy, pelvic health and podiatry see the service page Physiotherapy Services.
The Enfield MSK Specialist Clinical Assessment Services (SCAS) provides a single point of access care model for all MSK referrals (including MSK CATs, MSK Physiotherapy, MSK Podiatry, Trauma and Orthopaedics, Pain management and Rheumatology).
Referrals are triaged by an Advanced Physiotherapy Practitioner to ensure patients are referred to the most appropriate service. Secondary care referrals are forwarded to the relevant provider; this helps to improve the patient experience and journey.
The clinical model for Enfield community MSK (SCAS) CATs is as follows:
- single Point of Access (SPoA) to process all referrals via e-referrals
- specialist clinicians triage all referrals
- multi-disciplinary team working
- clinically integrated MSK services
For further details on MSK CATs, MSK Physiotherapy, and MSK Podiatry visit the MSK section of the North Middlesex Hospital website.
Eligibility Criteria
- adults aged 18
- patients with an Enfield GP
- patients with an MSK need
- patients with red flags/2WW
- patients with lumps and bumps
- patients with suspected acute fracture (these should be referred to fracture clinic at either Royal Free/Chase Farm or North Middlesex)
How to Refer
Once referral has been received, it will be triaged and directed to the most appropriate service in Enfield MSK (please see Downloads for a guide).
EMIS form
Referral methods: e-Referrals
Refer via e-RS
For urgent cancer referrals, see the 2WW page.
With the exception of self-referrals into physiotherapy/pelvic health/podiatry (see Self-referrals), only referrals via e-RS are accepted. Complete the Enfield Integrated MSK referral form – NMUH and send to required speciality and clinic type.
For urgent rheumatology referrals, tick the urgent box on the referral form. Complete form with as much referral information as possible. Urgent referrals are triaged and sent directly to Rheumatology within 24-48 hours if appropriate (excluding weekends).
How to find services on e-RS
- Specialty: Orthopaedics
- Clinic type: Foot and Ankle, Fracture, non emergency, Hand and wrist, Hip, Knee, Shoulder and Elbow, Spine – Back pain (not scoliosis/deform), Spine – Neck pain, Spine – Scoliosis and Deformity, Sports Trauma
- Service name: Enfield (SCAS) MSK CATS Integrated Service – Orthopaedics – North Middlesex at Chase Farm
Speciality: Pain Management - Clinic Type: Pain Management
- Service Name: Enfield (SCAS) MSK CATS Integrated Service – Pain Management – North Middlesex at Chase Farm
Speciality: Rheumatology - Clinic Type: Bone/Osteoporosis, Inflammatory Arthritis, Musculoskeletal, Other Autoimmune Rheumatic Disease, Spinal Disorders.
- Service Name: Enfield (SCAS) MSK CATS Integrated Service – Rheumatology – North Middlesex at Chase Farm
- Speciality: Physiotherapy
- Clinic Type: Musculoskeletal, Gynaecological Physiotherapy, Urological Physiotherapy.
- Service Name: Enfield (SCAS) MSK CATS Integrated Service – Physiotherapy – North Middlesex at Chase Farm
- Speciality: Sports and Exercise Medicine
- Clinic Type: Exercise Medicine, Non-Surgical Musculoskeletal, Soft Tissue Injury, Sports Injury, Sports Medicine.
- Service Name: Enfield (SCAS) MSK CATS Integrated Service – Sports & exercise Medicine – NMUH at Chase Farm
Where to find the form
- Enfield: ENF Global Documents > MSK-Physio-Rehab-Podiatry
For self-referrals to physiotherapy, pelvic health and podiatry see the service page Physiotherapy Services.
Chase Farm hospital
Service Feedback
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