Cardiac & Post-Stroke Programme: Fusion


A 12-week exercise and lifestyle support programme in the community for patients who have suffered an acute cardiac or stroke event or who have a chronic cardiac or stroke condition.

Patients may have taken a phase 3 (hospital-based) programme beforehand, however, completion of phase 3 is not required to take part in this phase 4 programme.

Eligibility Criteria


  • suffered a coronary heart disease or a stroke
  • are competent in self-pacing exercise
  • patients whose health status would be improved by moderate intensity physical activity
  • stable and controlled medical conditions
  • resting systolic blood pressure <180mmHg and/or diastolic blood pressure <100mmHg

For more detail, see the referral guidance for healthcare professionals in Downloads


  • For details, see the referral guidance for healthcare professionals in Downloads

How to Refer

GPs, cardiac nurses/stroke nurses, consultants or other relevant healthcare professionals can refer.

EMIS form

Referral methods: Email

Check the Referral guidance: Cardiac and post-stroke 12 week programme document (see Downloads) before completing the FL1554 HAR Cardio GP referral form

Where to find the form

  • HAR Global library > Rehabilitation > Cardiac Rehabilitation 12 week programme Referral - Fusion Lifestyle 


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Review date: Wednesday, 15 January 2025