Cardiac Rehabilitation Service: WH

NCL Wide

The Whittington Health (WH) cardiac rehabilitation programme consists of exercise and education to help support patients recovering from cardiac surgery or a new diagnosis of a cardiac condition.

The programme is designed to help patients return to normal and improved levels of activity, as well as encouraging lifestyle changes which improve long-term well-being. It is run as a combination of face-to-face and telephone consultations, depending on patients' requirements.

Patients are assessed prior to commencing the programme and the programme will be tailored to suit their individual needs. They are then followed up at three and 12 months once they have completed the programme.

The core components of cardiac rehabilitation are:

  • health behaviour change and education
  • lifestyle risk factor management and psychological health
  • medical risk factor management 
  • long-term management and audit and evaluation.

Eligibility Criteria


Referrals for any of the following conditions are accepted. As exercise is one of the main elements of a cardiac rehabilitation, patients must have an exercise capacity of being able to walk for a continued distance of at least 60-100m.

Patients with severe mobility limitations would be welcome to attend the education sessions.

The service must be their local programme provider by patient postcode; please use the cardiac rehab programme finder.

The team is always happy to discuss if you are unsure.

  • acute MI
  • percutaneous coronary intervention with or without stenting
  • CABG
  • stable heart failure 
  • heart valve repair/replacement
  • heart transplant


  • unstable angina
  • advanced heart failure
  • high blood pressure (resting SBP > 200mmHg or DBP > 110mmHg)
  • left ventricular outflow tract obstruction
  • grade 2 and 3 AV block
  • myocarditis
  • active pericarditis
  • severe valvular disease
  • uncontrolled arrhythmias
  • aortic dissection
  • acute thrombophlebitis
  • pulmonary or systemic embolism
  • severe psychological disorders
  • severe mobility limitations.

How to Refer

EMIS form

Referral methods: Email

All referrals and appointment bookings are managed by Sharon Robinson: 

Complete the Cardiac Rehabilitation Referral Form and email to the above address.

Where to find the form

  • Barnet: BAR Global Documents > Referral Forms (BAR Global)
  • Camden: Camden Global Documents > Cardiology-Stroke-TIA & Vascular
  • Enfield: ENF Global Documents > Cardiology
  • Haringey: HAR Global Documents > Cardiology
  • Islington: ISL Global Documents > Cardiology


Patients can call or email the cardiac rehabilitation nurse specialist 


Whittington Health

Service Feedback

Sharon Robinson, Cardiac Rehabilitation Nurse Specialist 020 7288 5649


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Review date: Wednesday, 07 May 2025