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Anticoagulation Service: Barnet Hospital
BarnetEnfieldProvided By

The Anticoagulation and Thrombosis service is a consultant nurse-led service at Barnet and Chase Farm Hospitals.
The team is supported by haematologists in the absence of consultant nurse.
The aims are to:
- provide access to right anticoagulation therapy for the patient that is evidence based
- achieve and maintain a safe, effective and efficient anticoagulant clinic
- increase patient adherence and attendance to follow up appointments
- reduce over and under anticoagulation and associated hospital admissions
- provide a comprehensive and individualised patient service
- ensure continuity and improve communication between all healthcare professionals
- provide information and education for patients, relatives, carers and healthcare professionals
- contribute to reducing health inequalities.
Reasons to refer to the anticoagulation service include:
- one-stop specialist assessment anticoagulation service
- commence on anticoagulation therapy
- assessment of risk versus benefit and review anticoagulation therapy based on suitability and safety
- patients who are on Warfarin and require monitoring
- a bridging plan
- patients with thrombosis, review duration and assess requirement for extended anticoagulation therapy
- assessment of adherence to treatment
- ambulatory deep vein thrombosis / pulmonary embolism where urgent appointment required.
The Ambulatory DVT service (day clinic for out-patients) manages patients referred directly from A&E to avoid hospital admission for deep vein thrombosis.
Types of clinics:
- new patient and follow-up patient in Barnet Hospital out-patient department: Monday, Wednesday and Friday
- new patient and follow-up: virtual / telephone clinics, Monday, Wednesday and Friday
- warfarin monitoring: Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm
- telephone support line patients and healthcare professionals is available Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm
- nurse consultant joint clinic with haematologist: Thrombosis specialist clinic, once a month on Tuesday afternoons.
Eligibility Criteria
- all patients on anticoagulation therapy or who require anticoagulation
How to Refer
EMIS form
Referral methods: e-Referrals, Email
Complete the Anticoagulant Clinic Referral for Warfarin or DOAC - NCL and send via e-RS or email to RF-TR.BH-anticoagulationFAX@nhs.net
How to find the service on e-RS
- Specialty: Haematology
- Clinic type: Anticoagulation
- Service name: Anti-coagulant – Barnet Hospital
Where to find the form
- Barnet: BAR Global Documents > Referral Forms (BAR Global)
- Camden: Camden Global Documents > Haematology
- Enfield: ENF Global Documents > Anticoagulation
- Haringey: HAR Global Documents > Anticoagulation
- Islington: ISL Global Documents > Anticoagulation
Referral methods: e-Referrals, Email
Refer via e-RS, Advice and Guidance or send a referral letter to RF-TR.BH-anticoagulationFAX@nhs.net
How to find the service on e-RS
- Specialty: Haematology
- Clinic type: Anticoagulation
- Service name: Anti-coagulant – Barnet Hospital
Service Feedback
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