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Anticoagulation Community Service: Barnet Federated GPs
Upcoming Review — this page is due to be reviewed
by Tuesday, 25 March 2025. The information shown here may be outdated.
Provided By

Patients registered in a GP practice within Barnet are referred to this service by their usual GPs.
The Anticoagulation Community Service commenced in April 2019 and is a pharmacist-led community service which is responsible for the monitoring and management of people who take oral anticoagulant drugs. The aim is to work with patients, carers and other healthcare professionals to improve the safety of these patients.
The service offers specialist advice on all issues related to anticoagulant therapies and provides ongoing monitoring for patients on anticoagulants. The clinics for near patient testing will run on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at the following locations:
- PHGH Doctors, Temple Fortune Health Centre, 23 Temple Fortune Lane, London, NW11 7TE (Mondays)
- Oak Lodge Medical Centre, 234 Burnt Oak Broadway, Edgware, London, HA8 0AP (Wednesdays)
- Vale Drive Medical Practice, Vale Drive Primary Care Centre, Vale Drive, Barnet, London, EN5 2ED (Thursdays)
- Speedwell Practice, 16 Torrington Park, London, N12 9SS (Fridays)
For further information, please use the service feedback contact details below.
Eligibility Criteria
Monitoring service
- 18+
- Stable anticoagulated patients - target TTR > 65%
- Minimum 12 weeks post initiation
Initiating service
The following patients would be expected to be kept under secondary care unless there are mitigating reasons for them to be under the care of the community clinic:
- A known hereditary or acquired bleeding disorder
- Known antiphospholipid syndrome
- Liver failure/decompensated liver disease
- Alcoholism
- Documented evidence of CNS haemorrhage
- Gastro-intestinal bleeding in the previous six months
- IV drug user
- Cancer patients undergoing cancer therapies (e.g. chemotherapy) or with metastatic malignancy
- Uncontrolled severe hypertension (>180/110)
- Under 18
- Pregnant patients
- Patients with Mechanical Heart valves (Valvular AF)
- Dialysis patients who have bloods done during dialysis
How to Refer
Initiating patients on Oral Anticoagulation, monitoring patients on Oral Anticoagulation and switching patients from warfarin to DOACs.
EMIS form
Referral methods: Email
This service is not an acute or emergency service.
Complete Anticoagulation Service Referral Form - Barnet and send to nclicb.barnetfederatedgps.anti-coagulation@nhs.net
Where to find the form
- Barnet: BAR Global Documents > Referral Forms (BAR Global)
PHGH Doctors
Oak Lodge Medical Centre
Longrove Surgery
Speedwell Medical Practice
Service Feedback
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