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X-ray Imaging: Finchley Memorial Hospital CDC
NCL WideX-ray (excluding, dental and orthopantomograms) appointments are available for GP direct access.
A walk-in X-ray service is available.
- Appointments: Monday-Sunday, 8am-8pm
Patient results
Results are provided back to the referrer within 10 working days. If not received enquire by email
e: rf-tr.bh-Radiology@nhs.net
For all booking queries
e: rf-tr.fmh-cdcbooking@nhs.net
t: 0203 758 2014
Eligibility Criteria
- adults aged 12+
- ambulant or partially ambulant
- children and young people (<12)
- transport patients
- obstetrics
- claustrophobic people
- people attending appointments with children under the age of 16
How to Refer
Referral methods: Hand to Patient
Patients require a signed T-Quest form in order for the X-ray to take place.
Finchley Memorial Hospital CDC
Related Services
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Adult phlebotomy services NCL WideUltrasound Imaging: Finchley Memorial Hospital CDC
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Review date: Wednesday, 04 March 2026