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Cardiology Diagnostics: Finchley Memorial Hospital CDC
NCL WideAmbulatory electrocardiography (Holter) and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring are available for GP direct access.
The CDC also operates a heart failure clinic, which involves patients having an ECHO scan, X-ray, blood test and a review appointment with a cardiologist. This clinic offers direct access for Barnet GPs only.
- Appointments: Monday to Sunday, 9am-5pm
The service also carries out 24-hour/72-hour tapes and 12 lead Electrocardiography (ECG) tests, but these patients are referred by cardiology specialists via the acute sites across NCL.
Patient results
Once the patient has returned the device, the results are shared with the referring clinician via email within 24 hours.
ECHO reports are shared via CPACS/e-mail to the referring clinician within 24 hours (Barnet only).
For all booking queries
e: rf-tr.fmh-cdcbooking@nhs.net
t: 0203 758 2014
Eligibility Criteria
- adults aged 18+
- ambulant or partially ambulant
- children and young people (<18)
- transport patients
- obstetrics
- claustrophobic people
- people attending appointments with children under the age of 16
How to Refer
EMIS form
Referral methods: e-Referrals
Read the provider's accessibility information (see Resources) before making a referral.
For ECGs and blood pressure monitoring use GP direct access slots in e-RS.
- Select Finchley Memorial Hospital location option.
- Once the location is selected, select the date/time suitable for the patient to attend.
Finchley Memorial Hospital CDC
Related Services
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Cardiology-related servicesFunctional Tests
Investigations that determine mechanical functioning of organs/ systemsReview date: Wednesday, 04 March 2026