Routine Ophthalmology: RFL

NCL Wide
Under Review — this page was due to be reviewed by Sunday, 08 September 2024. The information shown here may be outdated.

Expert care from Royal Free London (RFL) for patients with a wide range of eye conditions.

For emergency referrals, visit the Emergency Ophthalmology: RFL service page.

Routine referrals

When referring patients to RFL's ophthalmology services, please choose the correct subspecialty in e-RS. The general ophthalmology clinic profile no longer exists, so it is imperative that patient complaints are understood and that they are booked into the correct clinic. 

Cataract referrals can be sent to any RFL site; the trust has established a one-stop cataract clinic at its surgical hub in Edgware Community Hospital. Patients will, however, continue to attend their local or preferred hospital for tests and outpatient appointments before and after having surgery.

If you are not sure which subspecialty clinic the patient needs to be seen in, submit a clinical Advice & Guidance request via e-RS, or ask a colleague who may be able to help.

If your patient has been reviewed by their optometrist and a GOS18 form has been completed, please include it in the referral.

Wet macular degeneration referrals

If you believe your patient has wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD), they need to be referred urgently by their optometrist via e:

Patients with suspected wet AMD will be seen within two weeks.

How to Refer


Referral methods: e-Referrals, Email

For GPs

For all new routine ophthalmology GP referrals there are two options: 

  • Refer directly to a chosen provider via e-RS,

    Priority: Routine eRS referral
    Ophthalmology> Not otherwise specified 

  • Refer to the ophthalmology single point of access (SPOA) via e-RS

For wet AMD referrals, email:

For emergency referrals, see the Emergency Ophthalmology: RFL page.

For urgent cancer referrals, see the 2WW page.

For optometrists

Referrals should be sent to the ophthalmology single point of access (SPOA).

Any SPOA queries should be sent to

Service Feedback


Review date: Sunday, 08 September 2024