Imaging Services: Wood Green CDC

NCL Wide
Under Review — this page was due to be reviewed by Sunday, 16 February 2025. The information shown here may be outdated.

Imaging investigations offered by the Wood Green Community Diagnostic Centre (CDC) include:

  • X-rays (excluding orthopantomograms): 9am-6.30pm, Monday to Friday, 9am-4.30pm on Saturdays
  • Ultrasounds (abdominal wall, abdominal and gynaecological): 8.30am-7pm, Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm on Saturdays
  • Ophthalmology (referrals only accepted via secondary care for macular retina and glaucoma tests): 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday
  • MRI and CT: 8.30am-7pm, Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm on Saturdays.

Soft tissue sarcoma referral pathway

A new diagnostic pathway has been developed for adult soft tissue sarcoma referrals in London, using a Hub and Spoke service model. Wood Green CDC is now an additional diagnostic site in NCL for GPs to refer for imaging in patients with a high suspicion of soft tissue sarcoma (STS) (adults only). Initial imaging is recommended to be performed at your local provider. 

Patients can be referred to Wood Green CDC for MRI when the GP receives an ultrasound report from a local provider which states that lesion appearances are one of the following:

  • concerning for a malignant soft tissue tumour 
  • heterogenous and vascular
  • deep to the fascia and not in keeping with a lipomatous tumour
  • an indeterminate lesion in an individual who has a condition which predisposes them to malignant soft tissue tumours (e.g. neurofibromatosis)

On receipt of the urgent referral, an MSK Radiologist at Wood Green will triage the referral for initial imaging and subsequent imaging (if required). 

GPs can refer on EMIS across Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey and Islington adding sarcoma/soft tissue scans for their request. For GPs outside of NCL, please use the CDC referral form. For more information, see the Referral and scanning guideline in Downloads.

CT and MRI GP direct access

Direct access ordering through ICE guide is available via SunQuest ICE.

State-of-the-art equipment is offered, as well as provision and in-house cover to provide both contrast and non-contrast scans.

Access criteria as per other modalities with following exclusions:

  • All booked appointments vetted by CDC clinical staff who will also be available to discuss requests and reports
  • All scans will be reported at CDC by consultant radiologists within agreed timeframes, providing faster turnaround times
  • All reports returned through existing systems directly to the referring GP

All critical alerts or significant findings will be highlighted to the referring GP through approved alert system and directed accordingly.

Sending SunQuest ICE (Clinisys) forms to Whittington Health

At Haringey and Islington practices where SunQuest ICE is installed, please continue to request X-ray images for your patients via SunQuest ICE. 

For more information on how to use the system, visit the SunQuest ICE page.

Referral pathways

CT, MRI and X-ray

  • Back to the referrer or direct to the emergency department of the patient's choice if urgent or life-threatening (a copy of the report will be sent to the GP)
  • Turnaround is a maximum of five working days.


  • Back to the referrer or direct to emergency department of the patient's choice if urgent or life-threatening (a copy of the report will be sent to the GP)
  • Turnaround is three working days.

See External Links for the full CDC clinical model and for X-ray and ultrasound referral and reporting pathways.

Straight to CT pathway

From Monday 5 February, Wood Green CDC commenced piloting its Straight to CT pathway. This pathway is designed to detect primary lung cancer when a patient undergoes a chest X-ray. If any abnormalities are seen, the patient will receive a CT scan during the same appointment. This approach aims to minimise the need for multiple diagnostic appointments and mitigate potential delays in diagnosing primary lung cancer.

CDC radiologists are required to report CT scans within 48 hours and notify the referring physician through standard channels, such as report notifications or emails to the referring GP.

See the workflow chart in Downloads. 

Rapid Diagnostic Centres (RDCs)

Wood Green CDC is supporting the Rapid Diagnostic Centre pathway from North Middlesex University Hospital in our CT department, enabling faster access to imaging for diagnosis. This service provides a streamlined diagnostic pathway for patients with non-specific symptoms that do not clearly indicate the site of a tumour, such as unexplained weight loss, abdominal pain, and recent fatigue. If a doctor has concerns about these symptoms, the RDC can investigate to identify or exclude cancer, recommend further steps, or suggest follow-up in primary care.

See guidance for ordering tests: How to order the NSS/RDC pathway test bundle on ICE in Downloads.

NHS Targeted Lung Health Check Programme

Wood Green CDC is collaborating with UCLH to offer the NHS Targeted Lung Health Check Programme, a pilot initiative in North Central London. This program invites individuals aged 55 to 74 who currently smoke or have smoked in the past to participate. The process begins with a consultation with a health professional, followed by a CT scan of the lungs if needed.

See guidance for ordering tests: Lung Check London.

Ultrasound referrals

Wood Green CDC is now accepting referrals for testicular, abdominal wall and groin ultrasounds in addition to the abdominal, renal, and pelvic ultrasounds previously offered. 

Please consider referring to the Wood Green CDC for your patients who live and/or work near Wood Green.

Booking an appointment

  • Patients can walk-in for an X-ray once they have a referral form (this must be brought with them)
  • Patients will be called by the Wood Green CDC administration team to arrange an ultrasound appointment after the referral has been received and vetted.


Wood Green CDC does not have an access ramp for bedbound patients or those needing transport via trolley or stretcher.

Hence, the service is unable to accept patients requiring NHS Transport services. 

The CDC can accommodate patients who can move in and out of a wheelchair independently or with minimal assistance.

Should you require assistance or equipment to help you mobilise, e.g. hoist, it is available at the CDC but you are kindly requested to you bring your own sling with you if possible.

Contact details

To support learning, the CDC wants to hear from primary care colleagues.

Your feedback will be used to gain deeper insights into what is working well, what is challenging and improve the service for staff and patients.

You can give your feedback via: 

The CDC encourages you to use suggestions from the Wood Green CDC service feedback document (see Downloads).

Eligibility Criteria


  • adult patients aged 18+
  • ambulant or partially ambulant patients.


  • transport patients
  • obstetrics.

How to Refer

EMIS form

Referral methods: Email

For ultrasound referrals, complete the Imaging Adult Referral Form - NCL - Wood Green CDC and email to 

For X-ray referrals, give the completed Imaging Adult Referral Form - NCL - Wood Green CDC to the patient and they will then be able to walk-in for an appointment. They must bring the referral form with them.

Please note: Ophthalmology referrals are only accepted via secondary care.

CT and MRI scans are by appointment only.

Where to find the form

  • Barnet: BAR Global Documents > Diagnostics folder
  • Camden: Camden Global Documents > Investigations 
  • Enfield: ENF Global Documents > Radiology 
  • Haringey: HAR Global Documents > Imaging 
  • Islington: ISL Global Documents > Imaging 


Wood Green Mall

Service Feedback


Review date: Sunday, 16 February 2025