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Dietetic Community Paediatric Service
HaringeyThe Haringey Community Paediatric Dietetic Service (CPDS) helps babies and children between 0-19 with complex special needs and those with a life-limiting illness who:
- Require enteral feeding.
- Have faltering growth (weight for age declining through two standard percentiles).
- Have a diagnosis of syndrome/neurodevelopmental disorder or life-limiting illness, including dysphagia complications, which require oral nutrition support.
- Have restrictive diets. Children with autism who are referred with very restricted diets will be given an initial assessment and, if nutritional supplementation is not initiated, they will be discharged.
The CPDS has close links with the community paediatric dietitians in Islington and Camden and with those at Whittington Hospital and at other local hospitals. It does not have a general dietitian for children without complex needs and cannot accept referrals for weight loss management.
Eligibility Criteria
Referrals will be accepted for children with complex special needs, require enteral feeding or have a life-limiting illness and who:
- reside in Haringey
- are up to 18 years of age (unless in a special school)
- meet one or more of the following criteria:
- enteral feeding requirements
- faltering growth - declining of weight for age through two standard centiles
- nutritional inadequacy - a diagnosis of syndrome/neurodevelopmental disorder or life-limiting illness, including dysphagia complications, which requires oral nutrition support (ONS)
- restrictive diets - referrals for children with autism with very restricted diets will be given an initial assessment. If following an initial assessment, nutritional supplementation is not initiated, they will be discharged.
Referrals will be accepted for infants who do not have complex special needs or do not require enteral feeding who:
- reside in Haringey
- are <18 months old
- meet one or more of the following criteria:
- faltering growth - declining of weight for age through two standard percentiles
- unresolved reflux - reflux silent or otherwise which has not responded to first-line advice and medication.
- The service does not accept referrals for children requiring weight-loss management.
How to Refer
Referrals from GPs and any healthcare professional can be accepted for infants and children up to 19 years.
The service does not accept referrals for weight loss management or allergies.
Haringey Community Paediatric Dietetic Service
Service Feedback
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Review date: Thursday, 22 January 2026