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Age UK Islington Navigation Service
IslingtonAge UK Islington provides Islington's principal navigation service. It also provides social prescribing link workers (SPLWs) in the South and C1 primary care networks.
Age UK Islington Navigators can provide signposting with wrap-around help where needed, help patients build skills and confidence to take steps to overcome problems (e.g. housing issues, debt), and to reach personal goals.
Navigators can also provide help to:
- understand what's needed to access support
- collate required documents
- fill-in forms
- help the patient work out how to get to appointments
- SPLWs provide similar assistance, but for patients with less complex situations.
What do Navigators offer?
Navigators are highly-skilled professionals with backgrounds in a range of social and community care services (mental health, drug and alcohol services, etc). They offer time-limited, directly supported case management, using an asset-based approach to help patients develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to maintain their independence and improve their quality of life. A high proportion of clients are older or struggling with multiple issues, together with a physical or mental health condition.
Navigators represent, advise and support professionals and patients about the range of non-traditional services that are available to them. They can help to co-ordinate support provided to patients from a range of health and social care professionals, as well as community groups, they attend the Integrated Coordination Network meetings, providing a multi-disciplinary team approach to support patients with complex needs.
Age UK Islington is commissioned by NCL ICB to provide navigators and team leaders.
Navigators can provide support and refer to specialist statutory and community services, for reasons such as:
- money, benefits, legal issues, grants
- keeping safe and independent at home (getting aids, adaptations, assistive technology, finding domestic support, fire alarms, scams)
- finding suitable accommodation (housing association registration or transfer, sheltered housing options)
- finding social connections and keeping active (befriending, clubs and activities, arts, sports, parks, libraries, religious and spiritual resources)
- support to get out and about (mobility, transport, confidence building)
- emotional support and support groups (dementia, counselling, multiple sclerosis)
- complementary management of health conditions (self-help groups for management of health conditions, stress management, pain relief, physios, rehabilitation classes)
- work and volunteering (volunteering roles, courses, training, employment support)
- support for unpaid carers (wellbeing support, money, getting a break, information about support for specific conditions)
- end-of-life planning support (funeral planning, wills, lasting powers of attorney, advance care plans).
Navigators also:
- provide a peer mental health support network run in partnership with mental health community organisations
- deliver campaigns to support cohorts of the population that are disproportionately affected by mental health issues
- attend health professional team meetings to offer information and advice on what non-traditional providers offer and make the necessary referrals
- attend local events and offer information and advice to people living in Islington
- help people with goal planning when managing their long-term health conditions
- provide enhanced signposting
- offer limited case management for hard-to-engage people
- identify gaps in services
- link into services to offer volunteer mentors and support.
Eligibility Criteria
- Islington resident or Islington GP
- Adult 16+ years of age
How to Refer
Age UK Islington
Clinicians can refer patients by calling the number above during Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm.
Age UK Islington
Clinicians can refer patients by emailing the address above.
The Navigation service's NHS email is: nclicb.navigationservice@nhs.net
Patients can self-refer by contacting the service using the details above.
Age UK Islington
Service Feedback
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