Staff wellbeing

NCL Wide

For up to date information on other wellbeing resources, see NCL Training Hub's Health and Wellbeing section.

  • British Doctors’ and Dentists’ Group: Self-help group of doctors and dentists from all levels who are recovering from, or wish to recover from, addiction to alcohol, drugs or other behavioural addictions 
  • British Medical Association (BMA): Support for medical professionals on issues in their professional and personal lives as a doctor; from studying medicine through to whistleblowing
  • BMA counselling service: 24-hour telephone line staffed by accredited counsellors to help identify ways of addressing the root causes of problems, develop strategies to reduce the impact of the consequences, and rebuild self-confidence 
  • BMA doctor support service: Confidential, emotional support for doctors going through fitness to practice procedures with the GMC, or at risk of having their licence withdrawn
  • DocHealth: Confidential, not for profit, psychotherapeutic consultation service for all doctors 
  • Doctors’ Support Group: Supports those facing these bewildering and confusing situations to cope and eventually emerge with the minimum of professional and/or personal damage
  • Doctors’ Support Network: Confidential peer support network for doctors and medical students with concerns about their mental health; includes online support forum
  • Doctors in Distress: Mental wellbeing support for healthcare workers across the UK through confidential, facilitated peer support groups
  • Mental Health at Work: Support for social care workers available 8am-8pm, seven days a week
  • NHS Practitioner Health Programme: Free, confidential service for doctors and dentists across England with mental illness and addiction problems who are working or looking to return to clinical practice
  • Royal Medical Benevolent Fund: Financial assistance and telephone befriending scheme for doctors in need
  • Sick Doctors’ Trust: Support and help for doctors, dentists and medical students who are concerned about their use of drugs and/or alcohol 
  • Support for NHS staff: Confidential staff support line available 7am-11pm, seven days a week

Review date: Wednesday, 04 December 2024