Tackling abuse: Supporting General Practice campaign

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Under Review — this page was due to be reviewed by Tuesday, 27 September 2022. The information shown here may be outdated.

To support primary care and help tackle the unfortunate cases where patients have not treated staff with respect and courtesy, NCL ICB has launched a public-facing campaign specifically for general practice. Find out more in the campaign launch letter to practices from Dr Jo Sauvage and Frances O’Callaghan.

In this section, you can find materials to help tackle the abuse of staff and to help explain to patients how practices are working differently. 

As part of the campaign, NCL ICB will work with health and care partners, local authorities, councillors, MPs and wider stakeholders to share ideas and ask for support in sharing the message.

NCL ICB thanks all staff for their continued hard work in what are difficult and complex times.

Review date: Tuesday, 27 September 2022