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Podiatry Community Service: WH
IslingtonHaringeyThe Whittington Health (WH) podiatry service is a community-based clinical service for adults and children. The service aims to improve the foot health of the local population by providing a comprehensive range of podiatric advice and treatment according to assessed clinical need.
The service specialises in assessing and treating problems of the lower limb, particularly the foot and ankle. Podiatrists aim to maintain and promote good foot health within the population of Islington and Haringey in order to help sustain mobility, independence and reduce pain.
Patients are only accepted into the service if they have both a medical condition and podiatric need. The team aim to assess a patient's foot problem and provide treatment and self-care advice as appropriate to their individual needs.
The Podiatry Community Service operates across various sites in Islington and Haringey, and patients, will be offered an appointment based on their preferred site or earliest available appointment.
Eligibility Criteria
Patients registered with an Islington or Haringey GP that have a podiatric need and a medical condition that puts their foot at risk - see service acceptance criteria (see Downloads), including:
- Biomechanical problems, injection therapy and bespoke orthotic provision
- Podiatric need e.g. callus/corns (must have medical condition that puts their feet at risk e.g. peripheral vascular disease)
- Ulcers (not requiring MDT care)
- Ingrown toenails requiring surgery
- A limited Housebound service is available for those that do not leave home for other medical/social reasons.
For severe infection and suspected critical ischaemia, escalate patient immediately to Royal Free Hospital (RFH) Hot Clinic (see Related Services).
- Basic nail care for patients with no relevant medical history (if nail care support is required, please refer to the Nail cutting services information sheet (see Downloads)
- Diabetic foot assessments where no podiatry need is present
- Verruca/fungal toenail patients
- Patients requiring bespoke footwear
- Patients requiring walking aids
- Ulcers requiring MDT care (ulcers which are infected requiring IV antibiotics, bone probable/visible, those requiring vascular intervention). These should be referred to Whittington Podiatry Clinic 3B on mdtpodiatryt@nhs.net or RFH Hot clinic (see related services).
How to Refer
EMIS form
Referral methods: Email
For non-urgent community podiatry, complete the GP Podiatry Referral Form - Whittington. Completed referral forms should be emailed to the central booking service
e: arti.centralbooking@nhs.net t: 020 3316 1111 / 020 3316 1600.
How to find the form
- Haringey: HAR Global Documents > Podiatry folder
- Islington: ISL Global Documents > MSK & Podiatry
If your referral is urgent, please copy in the podiatry community email address e: whh-tr.podiatrycommunity@nhs.net
Please note: If the referral is for acute MDT care, refer to the Podiatry Acute Service: WH
Patients aged 18+ can self-refer via the service website.
The service does not accept self-referrals from patients under the age of 18. Children will need to be referred by a GP or healthcare professional.
Bingfield Primary Care Centre
Finsbury Health Centre
Highbury Grange Health Centre
Holloway Community Health Centre
Hornsey Rise Health Centre
Lordship Lane Health Centre
Hornsey Central Neighbourhood Health Centre
The Laurels Healthy Living Centre
River Place Health Centre
Stuart Crescent Health Centre
Whittington Hospital - clinic 3B
Service Feedback
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Service acceptance criteria
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Virtual consultation and phone line pathway
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Nail cutting services information sheet
Related Services
Acute Foot Service: Barnet and Chase Farm Hospitals
For patients with acute foot pathologies NCL WideDiabetic Acute Foot Podiatry Service: RFL
Emergency clinic for patients with acute diabetic foot disorders NCL WidePodiatry Acute Service: WH
An acute consultant-led (diabetic, vascular and orthopaedic) service run by Whittington Health Community Services HaringeyIslingtonTREAT HOT Clinic: RFL
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