MSK Podiatry Community Services


This service is part of the Camden MSK pathway.

This service is for MSK-related podiatry.

For non-MSK podiatry (e.g. nail cutting), please see Camden Community Health Podiatry Service

Eligibility Criteria


  • interdigital neuroma/digital neuritis
  • bursitis
  • tarsal tunnel
  • first MPJ
  • diagnostic LA
  • foot pains (e.g. Plantar Fasciitis, Morton's Neuroma, Capsulitis, ankle pain, mid and forefoot pain)
  • lower leg (e.g. Achilles tendinopathies, Tibialis Posterior dysfunction, foot function related knee pain, leg deviations such as knees genu varum/valgum)
  • conservative treatment/advice on lesser toe deformities, Hallux foot deviations and deformities (e.g. R/A nodules) 
  • corn and callus (body's normal response to high foot pressures/forces – provided 'offloading insoles')
  • systemic conditions that affect the feet (Diabetes/R/A, 'pressure offloading' areas of potential breakdown, wound care)
  • footwear advice 


  • non-MSK foot conditions

How to Refer

EMIS form

Referral methods: e-Referrals

Refer via e-RS

Complete the referral form MSK Camden Referral Form - UCLH and provide patient with copy of MSK Patient Guide (see Downloads).

Where to find the form

  • Camden Global Documents > MSK-Rehab-Physio-Podiatry folder

Service Feedback


Review date: Thursday, 07 November 2024